About Town | Jenny Madden’s Holistic Approach to Design
Written by: Christine Broomhead
Photography by: Robert Socha & Marco Ricca
Jenny Madden Interior Design
Hoboken Interior Decorating
Decorating can be fun, but it’s often a lengthy process of trial and error. Inevitably, you’ll buy a few pieces that are too large for the space, a slightly wrong shade, or distract from the flow of the room. For some, this experimentation is enjoyable, but others want to create their ideal interiors quickly and without the toil. Enter Jenny Madden.
Jenny Madden, the woman behind Hoboken-based Jenny Madden Design, makes it her mission to create beautiful spaces that reflect its occupants’ tastes. With advanced degrees in both interior architecture and design, Jenny’s work balances the attitude and time period of a building with a cohesive sense of style. She says this comes from her study of architecture. Not only does it inform how she thinks about filling a room but gives her insight when she’s working with architects on large projects. The details of a space shape her design choices – things like trim, lighting, and molding. These are flash points of inspiration.
Photography by Marco Ricca
“When I walk into a room that Jenny designed, what always strikes me is how naturally the elements all fit together, even though the styles of her projects vary widely.” Jenny is not the kind of designer that pushes a signature aesthetic. She says what’s most important for her is that her clients feel her work expresses who they are.
Interior Decorating
When taking on a new client, Jenny starts with three key pillars: budget, style, and function.
Budget Decorating
Through conversations and image sharing, she quickly learns what her clients want. Do they prefer traditional, modern, or mid century looks? How do they plan to use their space? What are the things that will make a design feel comfortable and conducive for easy living? And, of course, their price point.
Photography by Robert Socha
Once she understands the clients’ aims, she starts giving them options for items, colors, and fabrics. Three is the magic number when it comes to selection. It offers the clients choice without overwhelming them. Then orders are placed and items start trickling in. Next comes the fun part – it’s also the part I love when I reveal a space I’ve staged after getting it ready for sale. Jenny executes her design for the entire home in one day.
“It’s important that my clients have a painless experience,” she says. “Seeing it completed like this makes it fun and exciting for everyone involved.”
Photography by Marco Ricca
As items begin to arrive, Jenny stores them in a warehouse. Only when everything is ready does she schedule the one-day installation. She oversees this entire process, coordinating the placement of hundreds of items that come together for a big reveal.
Jenny Madden Design has been in full swing for the last six years. During that time, Jenny has had a son (he’s two) and expanded the business, which now includes her husband, Greg.
“Working together has been great for our family,” she says. “We can both walk to our office and spend extra time with our son.”
Photography by Robert Socha
Jenny’s work is holistic in every sense of the word. She considers her clients needs: their families and lifestyles, and she considers the entire environment of the space she is designing to produce truly stunning and effortless looks.
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