About Town | Hoboken Modern: Character and History
Written by: Christine Broomhead
Photography by: Robert Socha
The homes that really make an impact are always the ones bursting with individuality – which is not an easy thing to pull off. When done well, I usually find it’s with the aid of truly unique accent pieces, and for such items I always tell people to go to boutiques and look for items that speak to you.
Helping people find these kinds of pieces is the mission of Hoboken Modern, a new boutique specializing in antique mid-century furniture, glassware, and ceramics. John Moldauer and his wife Denise convey a clear point of view with their curated inventory from the 1950s and 60s. Their pieces are high quality, one of a kind, and in pristine condition. Their chairs feature curved, clean frames but fresh cushions, upholstered in today’s fashions and fabrics. Their credenzas are solid wood with tambor doors fashioned so carefully, you cannot discern the slats that allow them to roll open. Despite the expert craftsmanship, prices are reasonable. A Charles Eames chair will set you back $900 and a table a few thousand.
But furniture isn’t the only way to bring character to your home. Hoboken Modern’s vintage glassware and ceramics display beautifully and make a dinner feel special. With pieces from designers like Eva Zeisel known for her romantically curved forms and Russel Wright who brought design to the masses, these items offer an affordable way to make a statement and own a piece of history.
Every item at Hoboken Modern will add depth to your space, and as a bonus, they will always hold their value. With vintage designer pieces, you can’t lose.
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